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K12/ 1-1

February 2024 Class K12

Hello parents, we are so excited to continue learning throughout this month of November.
The students have adjusted to class and class work and routines. As we dig into our curriculum, the students are further developing their academic skills so they can reach their learning capabilities.

Important reminders 

Homework is given every Fridays, to be returned Thursdays
Parent engagement is every Tuesdays, I am available Tuesdays, 2:50- 3:45 to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns.
You can email me to set up a meeting My Email: or by ClassDojo.

Our Curriculum

Our class is from kindergarten-Second grade (K12).
Lessons are differentiated to meet each child's individual academic needs.
Module # 5- I can do it? What does it mean to try hard Reading
–Reading-Identifying characters, setting and events/ Problem solution and central idea Key details.
Writing- Narrative writing, order of events (beginning, middle and end)
Fundations and Heggerty-First sound of word, CVC words, last sound of words, count how many words are in a sentence.
Writing are letters, upper and lower case, blending sounds to
make a word, Diagraphs, SH, TH, WH, CH, CK
Math- Writing numbers and identifying 1-20, addition, subtraction 1-10, how many in a group
up to ten, ways to make 10. 2nd grade- counting 1-30, ways to make 20. Using a ten-frame to
make numbers 10-20.
Social studies-American symbol, Eagle, Liberty Bell, Statue of Liberty, American Flag
Science- Investigating floods

Scholar of the month

Jeantte Ntonga “Responsibility”


Important dates

February 13th 100 day of school
February 19-23 School closed Winter Recess
February 26- Picture day Prek-5th
February 29th Black History Month Celebration



Ms. Ramos, Ms. Turner         

January 2024              Class   K12    


Hello parents, as we start a new year we will continue with our learning! Students already established their class routines and continue to develop their academic skills so they can reach their learning capabilities.  We are all working hard!

Important reminders

-Homework is given every Fridays, to be returned Thursdays

-Parent engagement is every Tuesdays, I am available Tuesdays, 2:50- 3:45 to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns. You can email me to set up a meeting My Email:  or by ClassDojo.



Our Curriculum

Our class is from kindergarten-Second grade (K12). Lessons are differentiated to meet each child's individual academic needs.


Module #4- Happy Healthy Me! How can I be my healthiest me.

Reading –Reading informational text and identifying central idea and details.

Writing- Identifying central idea, writing about an informational text and using key details to support our topic, Research writing

Fundations and Heggerty-First sound of word, rhyming words, last sound of words, counting syllables, count how many words are in a sentence. Sentence dictation, blending sounds to make a word, Diagraphs, SH, TH, WH, CH, CK, Onset-Rimes.

Math- Writing numbers and identifying 1-20, addition, subtraction 1-10, We will be moving to numbers 1-20 (writing and identifying) and counting.

Social studies-What are important symbols of the United States? (Flag, Eagle, Liberty bell). Science- Learning about extreme weather


Important dates

January 10- Working together Wednesday

January 15-Martin Luther king Day- School closed





Ms. Ramos, Ms. Turner          November 2023              Class   K12    

Hello parents, we are so excited to continue learning throughout this month of November. The students have adjusted to class and class work and routines. As we dig into our curriculum, the students are further developing their academic skills so they can reach their learning capabilities.

Important Reminders

-Homework is given every Fridays, to be returned Thursdays
-Parent engagement is every Tuesdays, I am available Tuesdays, 2:50- 3:45 to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns.
You can email me to set up a meeting My Email: or by ClassDojo.

Our Curriculum

Our class is from kindergarten-Second grade (K12). Lessons are differentiated to meet each

child's individual academic needs.

Module #3- My Community Heroes-What Makes a community?

Reading –Reading informational text and identifying Topic, and central idea.

Writing- Identifying central idea, writing about an informational text and using key details

to support our topic.

Foundations and Heggerty-First sound of word, rhyming words, last sound of words, counting

syllabus, count how many words are in a sentence. Writing are letters, upper and lower case,

blending sounds to make a word, Diagraphs, SH, TH, WH, CH, CK

Math- Writing numbers and identifying 1-20, addition, subtraction 1-10, how many in a group

up to ten, ways to make 10

Social studies-Holidays celebrations

Science- Sunlight and Weather


Scholar of the month

Deion Nurse Vasquez “Optimism”



Important dates

November 8th – working together Wednesday (parent visit classroom)

November 20th- attendance Party

November 21st- Feast Of Many Nations 2-4pm

November 23-24th- School closed Thanksgiving Holiday

November 28th – Virtual Parent Workshop (see flyer




Ms. Ramos, Ms. Turner          October 2023              Class   K12    

Hello parents, we are so excited to be your child’s teachers. So far, this month has been amazing. 

The students are adjusting to class and our classroom family. The students have been preparing by learning class rules and teachers' expectations.  I can assure you that they are ready to learn! I am looking forward to working with you and your child.

Important reminders

-Homework is given every Fridays, to be returned Thursdays

-Parent engagement is every Tuesdays, I am available Tuesdays, 2:50- 3:45 to discuss your child’s progress or any concerns.

You can email me to set up a meeting My Email:  or by ClassDojo.

Our Curriculum

Our class is from kindergarten-Second grade. Lessons are differentiated to meet each child's individual academic needs. 

Reading- The purpose of reading, listening, responding to questions about text. Who's the author, character and setting.

Writing- writing letters and our names, sentence structure, what's a noun, drawing picture to tell story, writing responses.

Fundations and Heggerty-First sound of word, rhyming words, last sound of words, counting syllabus, count how many words are in a sentence. Writing are letters, upper and lower case, blending sounds to make a word, CVC words.

Math- Writing numbers and identifying 1-20, adding 1-10, how many in a group up to ten, ways to make 10

Social studies- My school and school community

Science- Sunlight and Weather


Scholar of the month

Mathew Vasquez “Perseverance” -

Matthew shows perseverance each day, he is very determined to complete all his work. Matthew is so confident this year. Keep up the good work and congratulations!

Important dates

October 1st- Free vision screening

October 6th- Community circle 8:30 am-In the gym / Parent workshops

October 9th-  schools closed  Indigenous People Day

October 13th- Hispanic Heritage Celebration 12:00- 2:30, all are welcome

October 31st- Character Parade and trick or treating