5th Grade 321
What We're Learning
December 2024
We will learn to multiply 3-digit by 2-digit numbers by joining equal groups.
We will learn about how the spin/orbit of our planet is the cause of the daily/yearly patterns of stars we see in the sky.
We will read about natural disasters, such as earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, droughts, tsunamis, and tornadoes.
Students will write a persuasive essay stating if they would stay or go if a natural disaster came to their town and why.
Scholar of The Month
The Scholar of the Month for
Wisdom in November was
The core value for December is
excellence. Students will practice
never settling for less than their best!
Happy Birthday
12/11 Isaac
12/18 Symphony
12/25 Yodelin
Upcoming Events
12/6 Student Government Election
12/9 Cookie Decorating
12/12 Honor Society Ceremony
12/13 Holiday Karaoke
POWER/ Attendance Party
12/18 Working Together Wednesday
12/19 Gift Giveaway
12/20 Holiday Performance
What To Wear
12/16 Holiday Hats / Headbands
12/17 Ugly Sweater/Red & Green
12/18 Hot Cocoa & Pajamas
F 12/6 Community Circle
M 12/23 - 1/1/25 SCHOOL CLOSED Winter Break
November 2024
Ms. Hannon: rhannon3@schools.nyc.gov
The Scholar of the Month for October for Optimism was NaHeem Diome-Palmer!
The core value of the month is Wisdom.
The core value of the month is Wisdom.
Students will demonstrate making good choices.
Upcoming Events
Th11/7 Parent-Teacher Conference
12:40 - 2:40 & 4:30 - 7:30
F 11/8 Community Circle
T 11/12 Crazy Hat Day
W 11/20 Working Together
F 11/22 Favorite Graphic Tee
W 11/26 Feast of Many Nations
*Read 20 minutes each day.
*Study the multiplication facts, using your flashcards.
What we're learning
We will learn to fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers.
We will investigate how the spin and orbit of our planet are
cause the patterns of stars we see in the sky.
cause the patterns of stars we see in the sky.
We will read stories told in a variety of fiction genres, like
fantasy, fairy tales, realistic fiction, and poetry.
We will create a narrative story about a character that is on
a journey to discover something.
a journey to discover something.
TH 11/7 SCHOOL CLOSED Parent-Teacher Conference
M 11/11 SCHOOL CLOSED Veteran’s Day
TH & F 11/27-28 SCHOOL CLOSED Thanksgiving Recess
M 11/11 SCHOOL CLOSED Veteran’s Day
TH & F 11/27-28 SCHOOL CLOSED Thanksgiving Recess
October 2024
Ms. Hannon
Class news
The Scholar of the Month for
Perseverance in September was Lanz Fortilus!
The core value of the month is Optimism.
Students will demonstrate positive thinking and positive self-talk.
Happy Birthday
Christian- October 4th
Dylan- October 24th
Upcoming Events
10/11 Community Circle Hispanic Heritage Event
10/15 Dance/Karaoke Party
10/21 Pumpkin Picking
10/28 Mindfulness Monday Firehouse Visit
10/31 Character Parade Trick or Treating
*Read 20 minutes each day.
*Study the multiplication
facts, using your flashcards.
What we're learning
Exponents tell us how many times the base number will be
multiplied and how the zeros will be in the product.
We will learn about Patterns of the Earth and Sky.
We will read a variety of texts that present them with
information about inventors.
The focus for informative writing will be, “Even great ideas
for inventions require hard work.”
Th & F 10/3 - 4 SCHOOL CLOSED Rosh Hashana
M 10/14 SCHOOL CLOSED Indigenous Peoples’ Day
W 10/16 Working Together Wednesday
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