4th Grade 316
December 2024
We are learning
We will continue to explore numbers and make connections to place value. We will finish out Topic 4: Using Strategies and Properties to Multiply 2- Digit Numbers. Also, students will be introduced to Strategies and Properties to Divide by 1-Digit Numbers
We will be starting Module 4 which focuses on the essential question: What makes someone a hero? Students will learn about heroic feats, by reading a variety of texts as well as learn reading skills which will help with their reading comprehension.
We are going to be finishing Module 1 which is about how the electrical system is essential to our lives. Students will be able to understand how energy is converted from one form to another, how it can be transferred from place to place, and learn about a variety of energy sources that exist.
Social Studies:
During the month of December, we will continue exploring Black Studies: As the Study of the World with the focus being on the Harlem Renaissance. Which aligns with both New York State and Local History.
Daily Reading:
Please encourage our scholars to read at home for at least 20 minutes each day. It helps build their reading stamina and fosters a love for books.
Please ensure scholars are completing and returning their homework packets every Monday to receive feedback and credit.
Contact: Astephens8@schools.nyc.gov
We are learning
During the month of November we will continue to explore numbers and make connections to place value. We will also learn how to use strategies and properties to multiply by 2 - digit numbers, as well as multiply by multiples of 10, 100 and 1,000.
We will be finishing Module 3 which focuses on what it takes to meet a challenge. Students will read a variety of texts and learn how to apply different skills to help their comprehension, as well as discuss how bravery, hard work, and persistence relate to meeting a challenge.
We are going to be finishing Module 1 which is about how the electrical system is essential to our lives. Students will be able to understand how energy is converted from one form to another, how it can be transferred from place to place, and learn about a variety of energy sources that exist.
Social Studies:
During the month of November, we will explore Black Studies: As the Study of the World with the focus being on the Harlem Renaissance. This unit aligns with both New York State and Local History
Daily Reading:
Please encourage our scholars to read at home for at least 20 minutes each day. It helps build their reading stamina and fosters a love for books.
Please ensure scholars are completing and returning their homework packets every Monday to receive feedback and credit.
Upcoming Events
Working Together Wednesday 11/20 Virtual Family Town Hall 11/21 Graphic Tee Day 11/22 Annual Turkey Giveaway 11/25 Feast of Many Nations 11/26 Thanksgiving Break 11/28-11/29
Welcome to Ms. Stephens & Ms. Epps Fourth Grade Class.
We’ve had a nice start to the school year and are eager to learn more about our scholars and continue to help them grow and foster a love for learning in order to become successful people.
Here are some things you should know about the month of October.
We are learning about....
Social Studies:
Upcoming Events
October 3-4: No School
October 9: Math Module 1 Test
October 11: Community Circle
October 14: No School
October 18: Literacy Module 1 Test
October 21: In House Pumpkin Picking
October 28: Firehouse Visit
October 31: Character Parade Trick or Treating
Daily Reading:
Please ensure scholars are returning their homework packets every Monday to receive feedback and credit.