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1st Grade 217

1st Grade Newsletter 2025

happy new year 2025
  • We are halfway through the school year. Scholars will begin taking their second reading and math I-Ready diagnostic and Acadience assessment. Please make sure your scholar is in school everyday and get a good-night daily. 
  • Working Together Wednesdays- Once a month families are invited in the classroom to participate in a fun academic activity with their scholars from 8:20 am.-9:05am. We look forward to more families joining us. 
  • Parent Engagement is every Tuesday 2:50 pm-3:45 pm. Parents can schedule a zoom meeting to discuss scholar’s progress every week.  Please send me an email 24hrs to confirm a meeting session.



Paint and Sit     

The scholars tapped into their creativity as they enjoyed Paint and Sip. We ended the Year with Paint and Sip. Scholars went home with their very own masterpiece to remind all the fun they had. A big shout-out to James’s Mother Ms.Webster for helping to support 1st grade with our Sit and Paint activity and making the painting experience simple and enjoyable for scholars. 

1st grade scholars sit and painting in the classroom.

Learning Focus  

Into Reading-Module 5 Now You See It , Now You Don't

Math-Topic 5: Work with Addition and Subtraction Equations

Foundation-Phoneme Segmentation


Science- Animal and Plants Defenses.

S. Studies-Families Now and Long Ago


Important Dates


  • 1/3 Community Circle
  • 1/17- Spelling Bee
  • 1/17- Attendance and Power Party
  • 1/20- Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day (school closed)
  • 1/22- Working Together Wednesday




• Arrival is at 8:20am/ Dismissal 2:40pm 

• Homework is to be completed nightly and returned in their homework folder on the following Monday. 

• Parent Engagement is every Tuesday 2:50 pm- 3:45 pm. Parents can schedule a 

zoom meeting to discuss scholar’s progress every week. 








December 2024

ClassDojo- 1st Grade has 100% families joined to our ClassDojo account. Congratulations!!!! 


Online Assignments

The homework must be completed through Teachhub. Follow the steps posted on ClassDojo. If you still need support, please make an appointment to meet and I will help get you into the platforms. It is extremely important that all homework is completed every week. I know scholars


are able to login to the programs we use in class every day. However, they must be supported by an adult to complete their online assignments at home.


  • Important Dates 
  •  12/9- Cookie Decorating,   
  • 12/12- Honor Society Induction Ceremony
  • 12/13- Holiday Karaoke/ Power and Attendance Party
  • 12/16-Holiday Hats and Headbands
  • 12/17- Ugly Sweater Day (Wear Red/Green)  
  • 12/18- Working Together Wednesday/Hot Chocolate & Pajama Day   
  • 12/19- Gift Giveaway
  • 12/20- Holiday Performance 



Arts For All

Arts For All offers accessible artistic opportunities to children in the New York City area who face socio-economic, physical, or emotional barriers to exploring the arts. Through Arts For All, professional artists work with youth organizations to build self-confidence, self-expression, teamwork, resilience, and creativity in children. Every Tuesday, 1st graders enjoy sessions with Stephanie Martinez, our class professional artist.

title of book scare crow


Learning Focus   

Into Reading- Module 3: Amazing Animals 

Math- Topic 3: Addition Facts to 20: Use Strategies 

Foundation-Bonus Letters ff, ll, ss, zz, Glued sound: all 

Science- Animal and Plants Defenses. 

S. Studies-Families and Communities   




• Arrival is at 8:20am/ Dismissal 2:40pm  

• Homework is to be completed nightly and returned to their homework folder on the following Monday.  

• Parent Engagement is every Tuesday 2:50 pm- 3:45 pm. Parents can schedule a  

zoom meeting to discuss scholar’s progress every week.

Title, happy thanksgiving


November 2024 Newsletter


  • Thank you in advance for your patience as we transition to Online Assignments.

We will officially begin online assignments on Tuesday, November 11, 2024. All scholars will use TEACHHUB to access their assignments. We will use ClassDojo to communicate and I-READY to reinforce instructional support. Scholars will need a computer and internet access to complete their work. Many scholars are very tech-savvy and know how to use TEACHHUB in our classroom. If you are not connected please email me as soon as possible.

  • All assignments for reading (HMH) and math (Envision) will be posted online every Monday. Scholars are expected to complete all assigned work by the following Monday.
  • I-READY is an online program we use at our school. Your scholar is required to take 3 diagnostic tests throughout the year in both Reading and Math. All results for the Beginning of the year were sent home. The next benchmark is fast approaching and scholars will take the second diagnostic test. In order for scholars to meet their individualized benchmark, please make sure your scholar is practicing I-READY reading and math for 30 mins everyday.


  • Parent Engagement is every Tuesday 2:50 pm-3:45 pm. Parents can schedule a zoom meeting to discuss scholar’s progress every week.  Please send me an email 24hrs to confirm a meeting session.



Learning Focus  

Into Reading-Module 2- My Family, My Community

Writing- informational Writing

Math-Topic 2-Fluently Addition and Subtraction Within 10.

Foundation-Blend, Read, and Spell three sound short vowel words

Science- Animal and Plants Defenses.

S. Studies-Families and Communities 




• Arrival is at 8:20am/ Dismissal 2:40pm 

• Homework is to be completed nightly and returned in their homework folder on the following Monday. 

• Parent Engagement is every Tuesday 2:50 pm- 3:45 pm. Parents can schedule a 

zoom meeting to discuss scholar’s progress every week. 












picture of 2024 1st grade class


Welcome to 1st Grade

My name is Mrs. Washington. I am excited to build a partnership with you this 2024-2025 school year 

as your child’s 1st grade teacher. I hope that we are all excited to be back in school and beginning a new grade. At P.S. 194, we strive to create an atmosphere where scholars feel comfortable in taking chances and risks, which is always a springboard for learning. Our goal is to see your child reach their full potential. I want to ensure that scholars are in an environment of enthusiastic and fun learning where they feel safe and eager to come to school each day. 


We are so excited to introduce our Monthly Class Webpage. The goal of this web page is to share 

photos and updates from our 1st grade class to keep our families informed. Please make sure to sign-up for ClassDojo. However, your main platform of information for our school is on our school website, Facebook page, Instagram, and monthly calendar. 

In order to be fully successful this academic year, scholars need support from their teachers as well as support from their parents or guardians. This means showing an interest in what your scholar is learning in school, taking a few minutes to go over their homework, and participating in school community events. These actions show your child that you value their education. It also shows scholars that teachers and parents are in a partnership to make sure they are always doing their best.  

How to Support your Scholar➔ Early bedtime. “An early bedtime benefits a child's physical health, as well as mood and mental health, because it allows time for restorative sleep, which is important for the repair and recovery of the brain and the body,” ➔ Uniform is mandatory and should be worn every day. ➔ Review letter sounds and sight words at home ➔ Attendance is important! Arrival begins at 8:00am, students can eat breakfast and socialize with their friends. Class officially starts at 8:20am!  


September Learning Focus  

Into Reading-Module 1- Nice to meet you 

Writing- Narrative Writing 

Envision Math-Topic 1-Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems to 10. 

Foundation-Reviewing and Teaching Consonants and Short Vowels Sounds 

Amplify Science- Animal and Plants Defenses. 

Social Studies-Families and Communities 


• Arrival is at 8:20am/ Dismissal 2:40pm 
• Homework is to be completed nightly and returned in their homework folder on the following Monday. 
• Parent Engagement is every Tuesday 2:50pm-3:45pm. Parents can schedule a 
zoom meeting to discuss scholar’s progress every week. 